A Study of Obesity among Hostel Students of 10 -18 years age group in Haldia, west Bengal: A Cross-sectional study
Background Childhood obesity is one of the serious public health problems in both developed and developed countries in the world. Obesity in childhood is one of the highly risk factors for obesity in adulthood. It is one of the important causes for all the health disorders which includes hypertension, metabolic disorders cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder disease diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis. The present study is to asses prevalence of obesity among adolescent student staying in hostel between 10-18 years age group. Aims: Aim of this study is is to assess the rate of prevalence of obesity among adolescent student staying in hostel (10-18 years) residing Haldia, understand the underlying various factors influencing obesity. Methodology: A cross-sectional study is conducted adopting random sampling system sampling procedure. This study was done with 1100 school going adolescents of age 10 to 18 years age group .Adolescent was included in the study carried in the department of paediatrics and department of medicine at a medical college and hospital Age, gender, basal metabolic index, Socioeconomic status, occupation of the father, literacy status of parents, mode of conveyance to school, type and hours of physical activity, hours involved in seeing television or playing video games were assessed in the form of questionnaire. Consent has been taken from parents before proceeding study. This study was carried out from May 2023-August 2023, in the Department of Paediatrics and Department of medicine in a medical college and hospital. The study protocol was approved by the institutional ethics committee. Results: A total 1100 participants participate in this study. Among Them 30 % male and 70 % female adolescent student participates in the study. 28.42% male were obese and 71.57% Female were obese. Female are more obese as compared to male. Proportion of obese was higher among girls than among boys and was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Prevalence of obese girls peak is at age of 17 to 18 years age group as compared with boys . Obesity is significantly higher among adolescents of higher socio-economic status 36.55% as compared to lower socio-economic group where 15.59% adolescent are obese; It has been seen that prevalence of obesity was significantly lower among the adolescents who participated in outdoor games than those who does not participate any outdoor games (p<0.005). 33.63% participants have normal BMI AND 66.36% participants fall under BMI more than 30 so they are obese. Discussion and Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study, it is found that adolescent student staying in hostel are obese as compare to day schooler. Girls are more obese as compare of boys of same socioeconomic group. As age increases both boys and girls are obese but girls’ obesity rate is more as compare to boys. low levels of physical activity, watching television, and consuming junk foods are associated with a higher prevalence of overweight that can be overcome by participation in household activities, regular physical exercise, TV viewing of more than 2 hrs a day and by avoiding outside foods. Children carrying having home cooked foods, tend to be leaner and hence healthier, as they refrain from eating unhealthy food from out. Children carrying having home cooked foods, tend to be leaner and hence healthier, as they refrain from eating unhealthy food from out. Due to staying in hostel adolescent student did not get healthy food and they take junk food outside so hosteller is mote healthier than day schooler.