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Original Article | Volume: 28 Issue 1 (Jan-Dec, 2023) | Pages 1 - 7
A Study of Obesity among Hostel Students of 10 -18 years age group in Haldia, west Bengal: A Cross-sectional study
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Icare Institute of Medical Sciences and Research and Dr. B C Roy Hospital, Haldia, India.
Assistant professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Shri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences & Sanaka Hospital, Durgapur, West Bengal.
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
May 16, 2023
July 12, 2023
Aug. 26, 2023

Background Childhood obesity is one of the serious public health problems in both developed and developed countries in the world. Obesity in childhood is one of the highly   risk factors for obesity in adulthood. It is one of the important causes for all the health disorders which includes hypertension, metabolic disorders cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder disease diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis.  The present study is to asses prevalence of obesity among adolescent student staying in hostel between 10-18 years age group. Aims: Aim of this study is  is to assess the rate of prevalence of  obesity among adolescent student staying in hostel (10-18 years) residing Haldia, understand the underlying various factors influencing obesity. Methodology: A cross-sectional study is conducted adopting random sampling system sampling procedure. This study was done with 1100 school going adolescents of age 10 to 18 years age  group .Adolescent was included in the study carried in the department of paediatrics and department of medicine at a medical college and hospital Age, gender, basal metabolic index, Socioeconomic status, occupation of the father, literacy status of parents, mode of conveyance to school, type and hours of physical activity, hours involved in seeing television or playing video games were assessed in the form of questionnaire. Consent has been taken from parents before proceeding study. This study was carried out from May 2023-August 2023, in the Department of Paediatrics and Department of medicine in a medical college and hospital. The study protocol was approved by the institutional ethics committee.  Results: A total 1100 participants participate in this study. Among Them 30 % male and 70 % female adolescent student participates in the study. 28.42% male were obese and 71.57% Female were obese. Female are more obese as compared to male. Proportion of obese was higher among girls than among boys and was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Prevalence of obese  girls peak is at age of 17 to 18 years age group as   compared with boys . Obesity is significantly higher among adolescents of higher socio-economic status 36.55% as compared to lower socio-economic group where 15.59% adolescent are obese; It has been seen that prevalence of obesity was significantly lower among the adolescents who participated in outdoor games than those who does not participate any outdoor games (p<0.005).  33.63% participants have normal BMI AND 66.36% participants fall under BMI more than 30 so they are obese. Discussion and Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study, it is found that adolescent student staying in hostel are obese as compare to day schooler. Girls are more obese  as compare of boys of same socioeconomic group. As age increases both boys and girls are obese but girls’ obesity rate is more as compare to boys. low levels of physical activity, watching television, and consuming junk foods are associated with a higher prevalence of overweight that can be overcome by participation in household activities, regular physical exercise, TV viewing of more than 2 hrs a day and by avoiding outside foods. Children carrying having home cooked foods, tend to be leaner and hence healthier, as they refrain from eating unhealthy food from out. Children carrying having home cooked foods, tend to be leaner and hence healthier, as they refrain from eating unhealthy food from out. Due to staying in hostel adolescent student did not get healthy food and they take junk food outside so hosteller is mote healthier than day schooler.


Childhood obesity is considered as major  health  problem of the developed world, but recent years  it is  rapidly reported from middle- and low-income countries, especially from urban areas 1. During early days in India, under nutrition is widely reported resulting in low rates of childhood obesity 2 where as in recent years the results are contradictory and the prominent reason behind is the life style modification. This resulted in replacement of outdoor games and other social activities among children. [2-5] According to various studies; the prevalence rate of childhood obesity in India is ranging from 4% to 22%; [4-5] whereas in worldwide it is an estimated as 10% of school going children between 5 and 17 yr of age, are overweight or obese. [6] The most significant consequence of childhood obesity is its persistence into adulthood with all its health risks including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus etc., which has increased possibility to continue when its onset is in late childhood or teens. [7-8]. A growing prevalence of obesity from 5.5 % to 17% has been reported by many Indian studies. A higher prevalence of obesity was reported among children from urban areas as  compared to rural areas.


Body mass index is not an accurate measure of obesity in adolescent . It is important to recognise childhood obesity and manage it, because if untreated, it can result in obesity in adulthood with all its attendant metabolic complications.


When there is excess intake of high calorie foods or insufficient physical activity or both result in overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. [9] Even a relatively smaller increase in body weight, not only with marks obesity, but possess a health risk because of the body fat. [10] Obesity also results in poor physical strength, mental disorders, respiratory problems and diabetes mellitus entry even at the age of early adulthood. [11] 


A  lots of  cross sectional studies in western countries  it have been  reported that  obese people are comparatively less physically active than non – obese subjects. Less hours of physically activity, high social economic back ground and junk food dietary habits   were found to be major risk factors for childhood obesity. This study will analysis the role of participation in physical activities, partaking in household chores, lesser hour’s physical inactivity such as television viewing and playing computer/ video games and consumption of junk food were also studied. Therefore this study was undertaken to estimate the overall prevalence of obesity and factors contributing to it in adolescent student staying in hostel between 18-12 years. And hostel foods is also a contributary factor for increasing obesity among hostel student.


Introduction of online food apps, increased pressure on academics with less or no time spent for outdoor activities, increased screen time, increased ‘pocket money’ and busy working pattern of parents add to the magnitude of the problem. [1,2]


Aims & Objectives

Aim of this study is to assess the rate of prevalence of  obesity among adolescent student staying  in hostel (10-18 years) residing in  Haldia, and to determine the underlying various factors influencing  obesity and  its association with several factors affecting  adolescents  obesity.



A cross sectional study is conducted study adopting random sampling system sampling procedure. This study was done with 1100 school going adolescents of age 10 to 18 years was included in the study carried in the department of paediatrics and department of medicine at a medical college and hospital Age, gender, basal metabolic index, Socioeconomic status, occupation of the father, literacy status of parents, mode of conveyance to school, type and hours of physical activity, hours involved in seeing television or playing video games were assessed in the form of questionnaire. Consent has been taken from parents before proceeding study.


This study was carried out from May 2023-August  2024, in the Department of Paediatrics  and Department of medicine in a medical college and hospital. The study protocol was approved by the institutional ethics committee.


After the approval of institutional ethical review board, consent from the heads of the educational institutions and the students were selected and oral consent from all the selected adolescents were obtained. A predesigned and pre tested questionnaire was used to interview the students. The data was analysed using SPSS. Adolescence were categorized into two groups, obese (>=85th percentile) and non-obese (<85th percentile) using age and gender.


All participants were interviewed personally by the investigator. Information regarding the sociodemographic variables influencing the weight status of children was collected using a pretested structured interview schedule. Standardised instruments and techniques were used for anthropometric measurements such as height and weight of the children. A standardised, calibrated digital weighing scale was used to measure the weight of adolescent student

Socioeconomic status is calculated based on modified Kuppusamy scale into lower (0-10), lower middle (11- 15), upper middle (16- 25) and upper (>25). The occupation of the father are categorized into group 1 (service or business), group 2 (others). The literacy status of parents is grouped as group 1(>= 10th  standard) and group       2 (<10th standard).


All eligible candidates were examined physically and clinically by our team.  Written consent was taken from all participants. No any outsider was allowed in the camp . Proper caution have been taken when data is analysis in MS excel and spss software.



A total 1100 participants participates in this study  . A total 1100 participants participate in this study. Among Them 30 % male and 70 % female adolescent student participates in the study. 28.42% male were obese and 71.57% Female were obese. Female are more obese as compared to male.. Proportion of obese was higher among girls than among boys and was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Prevalence of obese  girls peak is at age of 17 to 18 years age group as   compared with boys . Obesity is significantly higher among adolescents of higher socio-economic status 36.55% as compared to lower socio-economic group where 15.59% adolescent are obese; It has been seen that prevalence of obesity was significantly lower among the adolescents who participated in outdoor games than those who does not participate any outdoor games (p<0.005).  33.63% participants have normal BMI and 66.36% participants fall under obese category who have BMI more than 30.


Table 1: Demographic profile of obesity on hostel staying  adolescents student

Age Group




10 to 11




11 to 12




12 to 13




13 to 14




14 to 15




15 to 16




16 to 17




17 to 18









In Table 1. It has been found  that as age  increase  obesity increases in participants .in 10 to 11 years  age group 10.27% participants are obese  and 14.79% participants are obese belong to   17 to 18 years age group .  Trends of increases obesity more from 10 to 11 year of age.  1st of all participants  become obese with increasing age . participanpants who does not engage in physical activity are more obese as compare to participants who engage in physical activity


Table 2: Sex distribution





















Table no 2: In this table it is seen that Female are more obese as compared to male adolescent. Prevalence of obesity in Female are   1.07 times more as compare to male participants. prevalence odds ratio (POR) = 0.8831/0.8181=- 1.07. Here   30 % male and 70 % female adolescent student participates in the study. 28.42% male were obese and 71.57% Female were obese. Female are more obese as compared to male. Proportion of obese was higher among girls than among boys . Prevalence of obese girl’s peak is at age of 17 to 18 years age group as   compared with boys


Table 3: Association with Socio Economic Factors



Non obese






Lower middle




Upper middle













Table no 3:  In Table no  3 it has been found that  obesity is more found in upper class as compare lower socio economic group. Upper socio-economic group participant are 40.86 % more obese while 11.2% participants belong to lower socio economic group. Here Prevalence Odds ratio (POR) is 1.507 ( POR=1.507 ,95%ci,z=13.2,p<0.001).It means Prevalence of obesity in upper socioeconomic group is 1.506 times more as compare to lower socio economic group.



Table 4: Literacy Status



Non obese















Table no 04 : In Table no 04 It has been found that  Participants  whose father are less literate are  less obese as compare to highly literate people . 74.1% Participants are more obese whose father are literacy rate above 10th pass and 25.8% participants are less obese whose father literacy rate below 10th standard  .it is seen that literacy are also causing factor  for  obesity. Here Prevalence odds ratio (POR) is  1.94. It indicates that prevalence of obesity among adolescent participants whose father literacy rate is above 10th  standard  is 1.94 times more as compared to those participants whose father literacy rate is below 10th standard .


Table: Prevalence of obesity among Adolescent student .

Sl no

Health Status






Normal BMI


















Table no 05: In above Table it is found that among 1100 Participants 66.36% adolescent have BMI more than 30 and they fall under obese category. And 33.63% participants have normal BMI. Majority of adolescent staying hostel are obese, because they eat unhealthy foods in hostel and some how they more consume junk food in their routine lifestyle . junk food is one the  important factors to increase obesity in adolescent students staying in hostel.


A total 1100 participants participates in this study  . A total 1100 participants participate in this study. Among Them 30 % male and 70 % female adolescent student participates in the study. 28.42% male were obese and 71.57% Female were obese. Female are more obese as compared to male.. Proportion of obese was higher among girls than among boys and was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Prevalence of obese  girls peak is at age of 17 to 18 years age group as   compared with boys . Obesity is significantly higher among adolescents of higher socio-economic status 36.55% as compared to lower socio-economic group where 15.59% adolescent are obese; It has been seen that prevalence of obesity was significantly lower among the adolescents who participated in outdoor games than those who does not participate any outdoor games (p<0.005).  33.63% participants have normal BMI and 66.36% participants fall under obese category who have BMI more than 30.


It has been seen that prevalence of overweight was significantly lower among the adolescents who participated in outdoor games than those who does not participate any outdoor games (p<0.005). 


Obesity is a global nutritional concern. In this study showed that the overall incidence of obesity is high in Haldia, Purba medinipur. Among 1100 adolescents in the age group of 10 – 18 years included in the study .Overall prevalence of overweight is 22.1%; prevalence of obesity is 5.10%. This results correlates with other studies carried out by Baby S Nayak et al., 2011, [12] Laxmaiah et al., 2007, [13] Dietz W H 2004.


In this table it is seen that Female are more obese as compared to male adolescent. Female are 1.07 times more Obese as compare to male participants. prevalence odds ratio (POR) = 0.8831/0.8181=- 1.07 for male. Here   30 % male and 70 % female adolescent student participates in the study. 28.42% male were obese and 71.57% Female were obese. Female are more obese as compared to male. Proportion of obese was higher among girls than among boys . Prevalence of obese girl’s peak is at age of 17 to 18 years age group as   compared with boys.


 In this study it is  showed a higher prevalence rate of overweight/obesity among girls, as did a previous study done in Chennai. [15,16] There is a higher degree of influence among gender and adolescence on obesity can be featured to hormonal changes at puberty and the development of secondary sexual characteristics which result accumulation and redistribution of fat.


The present study it is documented that the prevalence of overweight and obesity was higher in the higher socio-economic status (40.86%) compared to those with lower socio economic status (11.2%). These results show consistency with results from other Indian studies. [16,21,22] Combined influences of socioeconomic status, lifestyle and chronological age with a high incidence of obesity among adolescents as seen in our study have also been reported earlier. [23,24] . life style is contributary factor for obesity and overweight , this is revealed in our study.


Here Prevalence Odds ratio (POR) is 1.507 ( POR=1.507 ,95%ci,z=10.2,p<0.001).It means Prevalence of obesity in upper socioeconomic group is 1.506 times more as compare to lower socio economic group. It has been found that Participants  whose father are less literate are  less obese as compare to highly literate people . 74.1% Participants are more obese whose father are literacy rate above 10th pass and 25.8% participants are less obese whose father literacy rate below 10th standard  .it is seen that literacy are also causing factor  for  obesity. Here Prevalence odds ratio (POR) is  1.94. It indicates that prevalence of obesity among adolescent participants whose father literacy rate is above 10th  standard  is 1.94 times more as compared to those participants whose father literacy rate is below 10th standard .


There is a positive co-relationship between  obesity with the consumption of unhealthy foods. Approximately 60% of adolescents preferred to consume junk food because they are their favourite dishes. Children of those who consume junk food were overweight, with the prevalence being 30.14%. The prevalence found in this variable is statistically significant. Our results correlate with the study carried out by Keerthan Kumar et al., 2011.


In this sudy it is found that among 1100 Participants 66.36% adolescent have BMI more than 30 and they fall under obese category. And 33.63% participants have normal BMI. Majority of adolescent staying hostel are obese, because they eat unhealthy foods in hostel and some how they more consume junk food in their routine lifestyle . junk food is one the  important factors to increase obesity in adolescent students staying in hostel.


Based on this study’s  findings , it is found that adolescent student staying in hostel are obese as compare to day schooler. Girls are more obese  as compare of boys of same socioeconomic group. As age increases both boys and girls are obese but girls’ obesity rate is more as compare to boys. low levels of physical activity, watching television, and consuming junk foods are associated with a higher prevalence of overweight that can be overcome by participation in household activities, regular physical exercise, TV viewing of more than 2 hrs a day and by avoiding outside foods 


Participants  carrying having home cooked foods, tend to be leaner and hence healthier, as they refrain from eating unhealthy food from out. Children carrying having home cooked foods, tend to be leaner and hence healthier, as they refrain from eating unhealthy food from out. Due to staying in hostel adolescent student did not get healthy food and they take junk food outside so hosteller is mote healthier than day schooler.


Based on the findings of this study, it is evident that Girls are more overweight as compare of boys of same socioeconomic group. As age increases both boys and girls are obese but girls’ obesity rate is more as compare to boys. low levels of physical activity, watching television, and consuming junk foods are associated with a higher prevalence of overweight that can be overcome by participation in household activities, regular physical exercise, TV viewing of more than 2 hrs a day and by avoiding outside foods


There is   need to educate the urban community on the aspects of healthy food habits and desired lifestyles to prevent overweight/obesity and its associated ill effects.  And also need to spread awareness about obesity and its consequence affects if not controls in right way.  


Financial support:  Author did not get any financial support from any institute.

Conflict of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest.

Submission declaration: This submission has not been published anywhere previously and  it is not simultaneously being considered for any other.


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