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Research Article | Volume:24 Issue 1 (Jan-Dec, 2019) | Pages 1 - 7
Trans- Masseteric Antero-Parotid Approach for Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Mandibular Sub Condylar Fractures
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
March 10, 2019
June 20, 2019
Sept. 30, 2019
Oct. 25, 2019

Background & Aim: Treatment of mandibular condylar process fractures has always been a controversial topic amongst maxillofacial fraternity. Conservative approach has been the age-old practice. Recent trends seem to indicate a move to these fractures being treated with open procedures. With the development of improved materials for fixation and refinement in surgical techniques the treatment of condylar process fractures has evolved from CRMMF to various forms of semi rigid internal fixation. There is an increased acceptance and reliance on ORIF by both the surgeon and the patient for treatment of Condylar fractures.

Materials and Method: Twenty cases of sub-condylar fractures were treated with ORIF through TMAP. All the patients were evaluated for maximum inter-incisal pain free mouth opening, deviation of the jaw on opening the mouth, occlusal discrepancies, pain, FNF, infection and quality of scar. Vertical ramal height and condylar displacement were assessed radiographically.

Result: Data was analysed by SPSS for windows (version 17) statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). ORIF of sub condylar fractures led to good restoration of joint function, early relief from pain, earlier return to normal function with stable occlusion, with preservation of facial nerve function.

Conclusion: The intended aim of opting surgical management of condylar process fractures was to restore the pre-existing anatomic relationship of the fractured fragments by stable fixation and an early return to normal function without the need for prolonged period of MMF. Restoration of vertical dimension was one of our goal of surgical treatment of mandibular condylar process fractures, which was statistically significant postoperatively

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